A general valuation roll is determined and produced every four years, as
stipulated within the Municipal Property Rates Act (MPRA) No 6 of 2004 as
The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality was granted a 1 year extension by the MEC for
Local Government. The municipality's current valuation roll was implemented with
effect from 01 July 2022. As a result of the extension of 1 year granted by the
MEC for Local Government, the municipality will implement its next general valuation
roll on 1 July 2026.
General Valuation (GV) 2022 was implemented on 1 July 2022, and it forms
the assessment rates base for the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality during its period of
validity. The GV 2022 will be
valid until 30 June 2026. The next GV 2026 will be implemented as at 1 July
2026 with the valuation date being 1 July 2025.
Section 78 of the Municipal Property Rates Act 6 of 2004 as amended,
requires that the valuation roll be updated on a regular basis when changes
take place to property. These valuations are called supplementary valuations
and must be compiled and published at least once a year in a Supplementary
Valuation Roll.
Supplementary valuations are done, amongst others, for the following
- Properties omitted from the Valuation Roll
- Included in a municipality after the last general valuation;
- Subdivided or consolidated after the last general valuation;
- New property registrations;
- Subsequent property developments or amendments;
- Properties that were incorrectly valued during the last General Valuation Roll;
- Where property categories have changed.